"A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room with the English language, trying to get human feelings right. " ~John K. Hutchens, New York Herald Tribune, 10 September 1961

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Book Club Reconvenes Today

Alright, so we're picking up where we left off in a slightly new and rejuvenated fashion. Today's ice breaker is all about you and selecting books you want to read. So, we're allowing participants to join us today, and either physically bring their selection with them (mine's Shadow of the Wind, complete with the book itself), or create a list of books that's on their must read list.

We'll put all scraps of paper selections in a bowl, toss em around and pick one at random. We'll open up a box of selections for the book club, allowing random visitors to the cafe to help us decide. The box will be left at the cafe.

Every month, we'll pick a new title from the box and the cycle will continue.

So if you're interested, join us today (Saturday) at the Paper Microphone Cafe, 2nd Floor, above Bukhari Furriers in F-6, Super Market at 6pm.


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