We've been a little lazy in updating the blog with the recent events, so we'll make this short and sweet.
March 15, 2010: Our writing competition finally ends; we have been disappointed with the entries thus far and because of the limited number of entries received, will look for just the one winner instead of the promised 5. If we get 6 entries, choosing 5 is kinda pointless!
March 28, 2010 (Islamabad): We meet on Saturday, March 28 to discuss Nathanial Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter at 6 pm at the Paper Microphone Cafe, our usual spot for our events.
April 3, 2010 (Lahore): On Saturday, our Lahore chapter meets to discuss Danial Mueenuddin's In Other Rooms, Other Wonders at a venue and time yet to be decided. Details on that soon, but meanwhile there's a date and a book pick. So if you haven't already read the book, now's the best time to read...or reread it.
And that's what the next few weeks look for Desi Writers Lounge. If you'd like more details on the Lahore events, email us at lahore@desiwriterslounge.net (that's right, the city has its very own email address!), because we take you seriously...
Meanwhile, our FB page and group are linked to on the right and for general queries, we can always be reached at info@desiwriterslounge.net.
Plan out your calendars!